Monday, 10 February 2014


Hey guys, My story isn't back up permanently. I'm removing my account once again as soon as Wattpad sorts out my story that's been stolen and posted on there. They just needed me to get this account back so that they can verify that it's true (the postings of my story). This is the second time this is happening to me so unfortunately, I will never post The Billion Dollar Girl online again. I'm sorry for not staying in touch with you all. I also don't use Facebook anymore. The only way to get in touch with me is through email. Looking forward to hearing from you all. :).


  1. If you're having trouble with copyright infringements but still want to write and post all your works up for people to see, you should try! We have faith in you.

    I actually read The Billion Dollar Girl on the Wattpad account and thought it was amazing. There were areas where I thought was weird like someone else wrote it entirely- and very badly-. Awfully sorry that your works were stolen once again, and as angry and as frustrated as you feel, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP WRITING!
    As a Wattpad user and follower of the plagiarizer I felt betrayed when I found out that her works weren't hers but actually stolen off someone.

    Once you get legal issues solved, perhaps you could join us on Wattpad and share new stories for us to enjoy the real you and for you to receive the credit that's been stolen from you all along.

    Don't give up writing please!

    1. Hey! You seem to have your facts wrong :/ Racingheart was actually cleared! This blogger was the real plagerizer!! Funny, isn't it ;)

    2. The real author has been publishing her book on Wattpad before this faker did. It's clear in her new chapters that @hisracingheart (on Wattpad) is the real author. Wattpad has let her republish her story due to false claims so clearly this blog is trash!

    3. ok listen hun, this is the REAL plagerizer so dont encourage her, she stole it from the one you were reading on wattpad (you can tell by the damn dates) so please, dont say she is the real author cause its annoying as fuck

  2. Do you think that you will publish it as a tangible book?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi, I'm PassItOn on Wattpad and I read your story Billion Dollar Girl three years ago. This is my favorite story from when I started Wattpad and until now. I have shared your story with my friends and they fell in love with this story. With this, I just want to say we, your followers, want nothing more than your book to hit the bookshelves in Barns and Nobles or completed in Wattpad. However, we do love you and all, our anticipation starts to wear out and our fawn memory of your story does too. Please keep your story alive and write. We love you and hope you good luck on finding your path as a writer.

    2. I agree with her! Please keep writing.👍👍👍

    3. Do you even realize this person on here actually plagiarized The Billion Dollar Girl on Wattpad? hisracingheat IS THE ORIGINAL ONE! SHE GOT PROOF ON HER PROFILE BIO

    4. The real author has been publishing her book on Wattpad before this faker did. It's clear in her new chapters that @hisracingheart (on Wattpad) is the real author. Wattpad has let her republish her story due to false claims so clearly this blog is trash!

  4. Hey! I love your book and am incredibly sorry about the problems you were having about other people stealing it. But I really really love your book so if you have decided not to post it online can I get it somewhere else? Like I mean are you publishing it ? Coz I would buy it for suresies you're awesome. Thanks!

    1. Other people didn't steal it. She did. Original author was even cleared and everything. She's a phony

    2. The real author has been publishing her book on Wattpad before this faker did. It's clear in her new chapters that @hisracingheart (on Wattpad) is the real author. Wattpad has let her republish her story due to false claims so clearly this blog is trash!

  5. I've been reading and searching for this book for forever! Thanks for the closure, and I hope you sue the neck outta that pirate. It's been what? 5 years now? I'm really too hooked to ever look at other stories.

    1. Actually she's the one who stole it! It was finally cleared!!

    2. The real author has been publishing her book on Wattpad before this faker did. It's clear in her new chapters that @hisracingheart (on Wattpad) is the real author. Wattpad has let her republish her story due to false claims so clearly this blog is trash! If you want to continue reading it, The really book is on the Wattpad app and the authors username is @hisracingheart!

  6. I'm just here to say, this was a horrible incident that had been done to you. I understand the effort that you put into your book, only for one person to take it away. But please, don't let it stop you from finishing what you started.
    - Jess

    1. The truth is "louise nel" actually stole the book from racingheart. If you check the timestamps of the posts from 2010, you can see that the url says that it was published in 2014, way after racingheart posted hers

    2. The real author has been publishing her book on Wattpad before this faker did. It's clear in her new chapters that @hisracingheart (on Wattpad) is the real author. Wattpad has let her republish her story due to false claims so clearly this blog is trash!

  7. I first read BDG on Wattpad and I thought that it was brilliant, and fell in love with the story. When I first read it, the plaigiriser said she was only 14 and that shocked me, because BDG was really good and had become one of my favorite stories. I then quit Wattpad for over a year and came back to find that her work has been deleted…because it wasn't HER work. I felt betrayed, and was hoping to read more of one of my all-time favorite stories, The Billion Dollar Girl. I was disappointed when I heard you wouldn't write it anymore and I've been itching for a new part. Please continue, and I don't mean to pressure you. It's just that you're an amazing author and you shouldn't let this get in your way. Credit goes to where credit's worth. Maybe come join Wattpad and write it there?

    1. This person is on blogger is NOT THE REAL AUTHOR!!! hisracingheart is actually is!!

    2. The real author has been publishing her book on Wattpad before this faker did. It's clear in her new chapters that @hisracingheart (on Wattpad) is the real author. Wattpad has let her republish her story due to false claims so clearly this blog is trash!

  8. It's been a little over two years now :(

  9. you stole the story you son of a bitch stop lying the date on the blog and the time stamp in the url is different.

    go fucking do sonething with you're own imagination and stoping using someone elses

  10. Actually guys if you look on racinghearts profile (she just updated it), you'll find out that "louisenel286" is the fake

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Must suck to accuse someone of plagiarizing then they figure out that it was you.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. You suck at making it look like your the real author when your not. And you suck at copy pasting. And you just suck.

  15. You suck at making it look like your the real author when your not. And you suck at copy pasting. And you just suck.

  16. You liar! You are the one who stole the book i am not blind i can look at the time stamps! Does it feel that good to lie and accuse someone of plagiarizing? And when you changed a little bit of the story, it sucked! Just know that the more you do this kind of thing, the more your conscience feels bad and you should NOT lie about someone plagiarizing. Got it? You f****** liar
